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  • Fair ball lodges in chain-link of outfield wall: Two Bases.

  • Fair ball lodges in vines on outfield wall: Two Bases.

  • Fair ball enters vines on outfield wall and rebounds onto playing field: In Play.

  • Fair ball rolls beyond outfield wall: In Play.

  • A foul batted ball in flight can be caught beyond the outfield wall.


  • Batted or thrown ball lodging under the backstop behind home plate: Out of Play

  • Ball lodging on, under or in any seating area (home team bench, box seats, and first base grandstand): Out of Play. A ball is deemed to be lodged when it goes in or behind equipment or seating.

Unless noted above, any ball remains in play with the following exceptions:

  • A ball enters the wooded area behind the first base grandstand.

  • A ball goes over, through or under the fence behind home plate.

  • A ball goes over, through or under the fence along left field.


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